• Attitude,  Courage,  Honesty,  Humility,  Judging,  Pride

    Dear Gray Hairs: Stop Yer Moanin’

    Nothin’ like receiving a personalized letter from my healthcare provider to make me feel cared for.  And geriatric.  Dear Carrie, The recent x-ray of your neck shows degenerative disease. Arthritis, also called osteoarthritis, is a breakdown of the cartilage that cushions your joints.  How can you care for yourself at home? Use a cane, crutch, walker, or another device if you need help to get around. These can help rest your joints.  You also can use other things to make life easier, such as a higher toilet seat and padded handles on kitchen utensils. Fantastic. As soon as I slide down from my higher toilet seat I’ll pad all my…