Lord of the Flaws
Though some exasperated parents might joke about dropping their sassy Tweens on an island, I’m fairly certain no parent would want the experience to resemble William Golding’s version.
My son brought home his 7th-grade required reading list last month. I scanned it, unfazed until I reached the one title that zipped me right back to my 7th-grade English class and made me cringe.
Lord of the Flies still remains one of my all-time least-loved books. Ever.
Visions of being totally grossed out to the max and putting it down after reading each chapter still linger. Bloodthirsty boys painting their faces, stalking a beast, killing pigs, and eventually turning on some of their own? Why?
Photo by Perchek Industrie on Unsplash
I know being a self-described Tomboy, with plenty of jokes to confirm it, put me in a category closer to the dudes. But I still could not understand why anyone thrived on reading about savage rituals, a rotting pig’s head, beating a boy to death, setting a forest on fire, and dropping a boulder on someone’s head.
It’s not like I felt drawn to Anne of Green Gables either, but I only had twelve years to my name. Couldn’t we have read about something a tad less graphic and death-y?
Boys around me seemed to love the descriptive gore, but relief flooded me when it ended and I knew I never had to see it again.
And now it’s about to come into my adult house, sit on my son’s nightstand, and taunt me like, “I’m baaaaack.”
So creepy.
Wikipedia tells me, “The novel has been generally well-received.” Not by this girl, Mr. Wiki. Not by this girl.
Photo by Егор Камелев on Unsplash
Character, Physical & Annoying
If you have any flaws, do you think they’re generally well-received?
Some critics called Lord of the Flies a brilliant work, but I called it disturbing.
Our differing opinions do not change the fact that it’s well-written and the author paints vivid pictures, drawing you into the island’s chaos.
Do you think he gave his characters glaring flaws on purpose though? Of course he did. Even fictional heroes need flaws; they help the reader relate to the character through empathy, the desire for self-growth, and relational friction.
I tend to work hard at hiding my physical flaws, but other flaws show up because of my mouth. And my thoughts. And my actions.
I am well aware physical flaws bring unnecessary insecurity and thoughts of inequality. Been there.
Significant character flaws can include pride, excessive curiosity and/or lack of self-control. Been there too.
But the ones we deal with on more of a regular basis fall into the “less frustrating but still annoying” category.
Grammar: Ain’t no joke when people have run-on sentences that keep goin’ and goin’ and never stop because they May not no the difference and their clearly trippin’. Dood… land the plain.
Body: A substantial nose and crossed toes. Pretty sure my true friends don’t care, so I press on.
Punctuation: Marcus’s’ habit’s are annoying frustrating obnoxiou’s and sad / but its not the end of the world..
Dental: Sideways teeth, yellow teeth, no teeth. Solutions exist, people.
Spelling: Yess, it seamz like a wierd confrense, butt I luv it when mispellers of the world untie!
Stop It
If you feel like you have countless flaws, you might be tempted to consider yourself the Lord of the Flaws.
Don’t. It’s not true and such thoughts lead to destructive habits.
If you tend to point out flaws in others, somebody might refer to you as the Lord of the Flaws.
Don’t. It’s not healthy or necessary to point out flaws in others. Plus it makes me want to call you Ralph, Jack, or Roger. Stop picking on the Piggys and stick to your knittin’.
Gossip does not fall into the positive category on anyone’s Richter scale, so let’s practice the art of biting our tongues, shall we? When we notice a perceived flaw in someone, can we keep it to ourselves?
- Today, focus on what comes out of your mouth. Does it build up or tear down?
- This week, think about coming to terms with one of your perceived flaws. Chances are, most people don’t notice yours ‘cause they’re preoccupied with their own.
- This month, let’s seek out someone we can build up. Instead of dwelling on our flaws, let’s boost someone’s self-esteem by focusing on what actually matters.
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash
Ready for a reboot? Dwell on these truths and feel the peace:
- The Lord of the universe created you.
- Your life matters—your flaws don’t.
- Turn your focus inside out and prepare for a change.
“Who the Son sets free, oh is free indeed,
I’m a child of God, yes I am.
In my Father’s house, there’s a place for me,
I’m a child of God, yes I am.”
~ Hillsong Worship
In an attempt to focus on the words instead of the musicians and vocalists, I purposely chose the lyrical version of this song instead of the live version. No need to compare ourselves to people who appear to be flaw-free.
Turn it up and soak it in!

Susan Barnes
Just love it when someone in America shares Aussie music!
Though technically, I guess Hillsong is now global. Nevertheless we still think of them as our own.
PS I was blessed never to have read, Lord of the Flies, for which I am profoundly grateful
Carrie Talbott
Yes! You may claim Hillsong as long as you’d like. They’re fantastic.
Haha… some might say you’re missing out on a literary bestseller. I say your brain is probably fine without it. 🙂